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Government Performance Management System


Government Performance Management System combines performance management objects (organizational performance and individual performance) with performance management methods (performance evaluation index system and objective management system) to provide comprehensive government performance management, as the chart shown below.



The system adopts the concept of balanced score card (BSC), making the fulfillment of government performance management regulations more efficient.


The work flow of government performance management is illustrated in the flow chart below:



Main Functions

- Performance statistics for each department


Different departments are able to make performance evaluation according to their own work content and evaluation period. Further, comparison of different departments' evaluation results is available.

- Job or individual performance statistics


Evaluation can be made on different jobs or individuals according to their own work content and evaluation period. Further, comparison of different departments' evaluation results is available.

- Plan of government performance evaluation index system


The plan of government performance evaluation index system is of great significance in giving consideration to both the comprehensiveness and the balance of the government's achievements.



- Provide a scientific tool for government to comprehensively evaluate the organizational and individual work.

- Avoid evaluation errors

- Boost work efficiency

- Combines government performance evaluation index system with objective management