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Online learning education Liferay portal system

Client Overview
Located in State of California, the client is a company who provides a range of resources relating to network education. The client made its entrance into the US network education market in2006, planning to extend its products and services through internet to the customer around the world. A crucial part of the agreement was the existence of a website to which customers and the end users could be directed by online teaching and information capture. Hence, a public site was mission critical for both their resource teachers and target end users.

Project Overview
As the client was already an established company in US, it needed the site to quickly adapt to the existing look and the feel of its corporate brand. And, due to the need to cater to deadlines and timelines set by the market and its partners, the client was looking for a fast solution that could be easily managed over time.

The project target is an e-learning platform which makes users become online teachers after their register. Meanwhile they can set up and let others learn their courses. This system will encourage more people to play advantages themselves, by helping other people learn more knowledge which is difficult to acquire from school or library. The knowledge resources base included language skill, technique and other nature science. The payment center is another important module that teachers and students can pay money for tuition and do some relevant acts.

Solution of RayooTech 
In response to immediate marketing and business needs, Liferay Portal was selected by RayooTech , as the best solution for its pressing deadline. In particular, the easy to manage front-end would allow graphic designers to match client’s existing Brand quickly. Meanwhile, Liferay’s flexible and feature-rich back-end would be easy to customize for the IT team in a short period of time. It also allowed for simple, easy maintaining, long-term multi-lingual support.

Liferay Portal
Liferay Portal is the world's leading enterprise open source portal framework, offering integrated Web publishing and content management, an enterprise service bus and service-oriented architecture (SOA) to facilitate application integration, and compatibility with all major 
IT infrastructures. It is an integration portal with Struts, Spring, and Hibernate, and it has very strong expansibility and robustness.

Runs on any Java EE major app server & servlet container and all major databases, and operating systems (over 700 deployment combinations)
• Out-of-the-box usablility —choose from over 60 portlets 
• Out-of-the-box development tools 
• Built in Content Management System (CMS) & Collaboration Suite
• Award winning AJAX enabled user interface
• Localized to 22 languages, out-of-the-box
• Full LDAP synchronization
• Benchmarked as among the most secure portal platforms using LogicLibrary's Logiscan suite
• Business-friendly MIT License

Liferay Journal 
Liferay Journal is Liferay Portal's built-in Content Management System (CMS) delivers portal-based web publishing and document management.
• Web publishing with publishing workflow, versioning, structured content, XSL and Velocity templates, and easy-to-use text editor
• Portal publishing and staging
• Separation of content from layout
• Document library with multiple file uploader and file format converter, bookmarks, image gallery
• Roles-based permission and workflow

Liferay Collaboration Suite 
Take advantage of a virtualized work environment with Liferay’s built in Collaboration Suite.
• Gain access to mail, personal/group calendars, enterprise IM, blogs, message boards, wikis, RSS, and more.
• Transfer your calendar and user information via Web 2.0 standards.
• Use tagging with Liferay’s CMS portlets to dynamically share important or interesting content with other portal users.

Experienced engineer, qualified to delivery on time.
Agile methodology makes quick response to requirement changing.
Flexible system is easy expanding and maintaining.